Sunday, 8 February 2015

Newcastle bound

A play by play look at my recent day trip to Newcastle where I was tattooed by Lauren Stephens at Cock a Snook Tattoo Parlour.

Waiting for my 6:31 train to Clapham Junction. Of course I'm years early but I was worried about picking up my tickets from the machine (which I'd never done before) and I just really hate being late - it freaks me the hell out.
I'm wearing a floaty skirt and my legs were rather chilly walking to the station, also had to ruin my outfit with a hoodie but I would have frozen in just a cardigan (and extra pockets are a must on a long journey).

Waiting for my platform number for the train to Newcastle. Discovered this skirt is not great for tube travel, I thought the wind wouldn't carry it, but it did.. Still cold, feeling a bit ill - have been the whole time really, hoping a bit of pokemon will take my mind off it when I actually get on the train. Forever plagued with a stomach ache. Okay I'm off to platform 1 now.

Sitting on the train waiting for it to leave King's Cross. Our driver is called September which I thought was an interesting name (but the best month as it holds my birthday). He kept going on about valid train tickets and I kept freaking out. I only booked my tickets last night as the whole organisation thing with this has been down the drain and I have been surprisingly chill about it (until the last 2 days). I bought a return ticket instead of two singles which isn't what I usually do, it was the cheapest option at £146.80 (I cried inside) so I just took it although I was worried about whether it limited my journey options. I'm on the train now and it's left now so I guess I'll just have to buy a new ticket if I have to. Due to arrive at 10:49.

Tickets checked and all is well. Downloaded a sudoku app and I am content (minus the constant pain from my tummy, sigh).

Here, waiting for my stencil sat in my elmo pj shorts looking like a tit. All for the sake of art!

Outline is pretty much done. The inside, outside and top of my thigh hurt the most. Just took a quick toilet break. Now back for a bit of shading with a million needles, looks good though.

I think the worst parts are done, we're on to the details and I don't think it will be that long til it's done. Feel a bit twitchy now though. Lauren has just said we're on the homeward stretch now. God knows what I'm going to do for an hour, see if I can get on an earlier train I guess. A woman came in and got her first tattoo on her foot - a quote. She was really scared but was really happy with the outcome and surprised that it wasn't as bad as she thought. She's got the bug now and wants another. Being in the chair for half an hour, I don't blame her. It's nothing on 4 hours. I'm being a bit of a wimp today though, I always want to be one of those people that sit like champs but I think that's just not going to happen. I kind of don't want it to end.. But I do. Internal conflict!

All finished and waiting for a taxi. So happy with it, also glad the pain has stopped! Everyone is so lovely here and so welcoming. I do wish it was closer! Glad to finish early so I can try and jump on an earlier train and get back. Feeling tired now!

All done, taxi driver was a really lovely guy and we happily chatted about tattoos for the journey. Traffic wasn't great but I'm on the platform now waiting for a train to London at half past which is half an hour earlier than planned. Hopefully I'll be in the house by midnight this way. Tired and it's sore to walk, have a bit of a limp. The wrap has fallen down a bit at the top but it should be okay. Forgot to mention before that sometimes the most painful part today was when she cleaned the excess ink away. It was extra pressure and stinging that I did not enjoy. As soon as it's over though it's the best thing ever. You completely forget about how much it hurt and you can't wait until the next one. That's how I feel anyway! And now I just want to go back to Lauren and to Cock a Snook because they were just so lovely. Curse them being so far away! Next time I'll make sure I book my tickets in advance as well!

On the Newcastle train. Feeling sleepy and bored but I can't be bothered to do anything like play pokemon or do my cross stitch so I'm just constantly checking social media instead. Feeling sorry for the lady sat next to me as I needed to charge my phone but she's next to the plug socket so the cable is draped over her lap. She was nice about it though, I'm just not looking forward to having to unplug it!

Tube number one, rocking a sexy limp at the moment. Who knew you actually used the muscles in your thigh! The wrap is slipping down and it's bothering me. I don't want it to get any germs from my skirts. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be fine. It's just annoying as I still have quite a bit of walking to do. Very much looking forward to getting home and having that feeling in the morning when you forget you've made an appearance change and then boom, you see it again. I used to have it all the time with my hair. I remember with my last tattoo I was a very happy bunny in the morning, woke up next to my boyfriend and just stared, smiling at my tattoo.

Just had to jump off the tube as I wasn't paying any attention and almost missed the fact that we were at my stop. Whoops.

Very happy to say I am home. The wrapping is pretty much off of its own accord. It was really rather painful walking home and I'm looking forward to washing it, letting it breathe and going to bed!

Showered and with a light covering of bepanthen, the tattoo is ready for bed and so am I! It's been a very long day, but a very good day. I can't thank Lauren enough.

Photo from the day after, washed and with cream on. It's bruised and swollen but looking good. Can't wait for it to heal though, shorts were a bit cold in the winter weather today. Looking forward to showing it off through tights.

I have no current ideas for my next tattoo, I just know I want another one - I find it so additive and I follow so many artists' work. It's also hard because I'm tempted to cover all of my legs but I still want to be professional. Although I would love not to have discrimination when it comes to tattoos and brightly coloured hair, I have to be realistic. I will end up in a hospital or practise that won't appreciate my appearance and I am preparing for that (being blonde for my placement year at uni). I really just wish I could do what I want with my appearance and people wouldn't care because it's my life and I'm not doing anything offensive.. that's the end of my rant. Tattoo updates may follow...

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